TianGong Life Cycle Inventory
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Data set: Cultivation and comprehensive utilization of Litopenaeus vannamei ; Processed products of Litopenaeus vannamei ; Factory culture and comprehensive utilization (01.00.005)

Full name
Cultivation and comprehensive utilization of Litopenaeus vannamei ; Processed products of Litopenaeus vannamei ; Factory culture and comprehensive utilization
Reference year
Valid until
Reference flow(s)
Unit process, black box
LCIA results included?
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials
Use advice for data set
When utilizing this dataset for Life Cycle Assessment, users must adhere to the following methodological guidelines: focus on processes directly related to the study's purpose and functional units, specifically excluding environmental loads from stages outside the factory. For accurate representation, users should account for the provided annual average data from 2011. The functional unit is defined as processing 1000kg of Litopenaeus vannamei, with survival rates of 70% during the breeding process and 20% during the reproductive stage. For modeling purposes, it is necessary to consider a functional unit of 100,000 larvae for the breeding stage and 500,000 nodal larvae for the reproductive stage. Extrapolation of this data for different years or other geographical locations should be done with caution, considering potential changes in technology, practice, and environmental conditions.
Data set use approval
General comment
According to the actual situation of the cultivation and comprehensive utilization of Penaeus vannamei, the processes directly related to the purpose and functional units of the study were considered, and the various stages of environmental load outside the plant were not considered. Data were collected for 2011 annual mean data. The functional unit is processing 1000kg Litopenaeus vannamei. The survival rate of Litopenaeus vannamei in the breeding process was calculated as 70%, the size of the finished shrimp was 70 /kg, and the functional unit in the breeding stage was to raise 100,000 larvae of Litopenaeus vannamei. The reproductive stage is calculated according to the survival rate of 20%, and the functional unit is to reproduce 500,000 nodal larvae.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
  • Allocation - mass
Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Dependent internal review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group
Technical purpose
The data set describes the cultivation and comprehensive utilization process for Litopenaeus vannamei (Pacific white shrimp), outlining its use in industrial shrimp farming and processing for food products. Intended applications for this dataset include the planning and optimization of shrimp aquaculture facilities, the development of efficient breeding practices, and the creation of processed shrimp products within the aquaculture industry. This information is highly relevant for aquaculture supply chain management, food processing companies, and sustainability assessments within the seafood industry.
Input Products
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
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Compliance systems
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Process is not registered in any registry
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