TianGong Life Cycle Inventory
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Process data set overview page

Data set: Remediated soil ; Electro-thermal dynamic stripping (ET-DSP) ; Thermal remediation ; Soil remediation ; In situ (01.00.005)

Full name
Remediated soil ; Electro-thermal dynamic stripping (ET-DSP) ; Thermal remediation ; Soil remediation ; In situ
Reference year
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Reference flow(s)
Unit process, black box
LCIA results included?
Other Services / Repair and maintenance
Use advice for data set
This dataset should be used with understanding that it is specific to a small-scale (180 m2) typical Danish site where ISTD remediation using ET-DSP has been applied. The LCA data collection covers energy and material consumption, equipment use during construction and transportation activities, well field materials construction, capping materials, air and water treatment systems, and electricity consumption. Please ensure the correct application of this LCA data in the broader context of remediation project planning, taking into account variations in geographies, climates, and regulatory environments. Furthermore, translation of these results to other sites should account for differences in site size, contaminant concentration, and subsurface conditions.
Data set use approval
General comment
From Table 1 of the literature (Overview of Test Sites Used as a Basis for Data Collection), it can be seen that, the area and volume of the small site are 180 m2 and 1175 m3. Mass of contaminant is 400 kg of PCE.
LCI Method Principle
LCI Method Approaches
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Completeness of product model
No statement
  • Dependent internal review by
License and access conditions
License type
Free of charge for all users and uses
Owner of data set
Tiangong LCI Data Working Group
Technical purpose
The Electro-Thermal Dynamic Stripping Process (ET-DSP) is used for in situ soil remediation at sites with low-permeability contaminant zones. This technique is applied particularly for the extraction and removal of high concentrations of volatile contaminants like perchloroethylene (PCE), which is a common solvent in dry cleaning and industrial degreasing operations.
Input Products
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Data set version
Time stamp (last saved)
Data set format
Compliance systems
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Registered in
Process is not registered in any registry
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