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Source Data set: Ming Tao, Daoming Lu, Ying Shi, & Chengqing Wu. (2022). Utilization and life cycle assessment of low activity solid waste as cementitious materials: A case study of titanium slag and granulated blast furnace slag. Science of The Total Environment, 849, 157797. (en)
Data set information
Short name Ming Tao, Daoming Lu, Ying Shi, & Chengqing Wu. (2022). Utilization and life cycle assessment of low activity solid waste as cementitious materials: A case study of titanium slag and granulated blast furnace slag. Science of The Total Environment, 849, 157797.
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  • ILCD: Publications and communications
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Publication type Article in periodical
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Time stamp (last saved) 2024-03-19T21:11:49+08:00
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UUID d6ae2264-4401-4b53-973a-72bc863db949
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