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Process Data set: Milk production ; Feed and organic fertilizer transportation ; Non-integrated maize silage planting and dairy cow breeding system (non-IPBS) (en) en zh

Key Data Set Information
Location QD-SD-CN
Geographical representativeness description A questionnaire survey was conducted on dairy farms in Qingdao, Shandong Province from July to August 2020.
Reference year 2016
Milk production ; Feed and organic fertilizer transportation ; Non-integrated maize silage planting and dairy cow breeding system (non-IPBS)
Use advice for data set When using data from the non-IPBS system for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), it is important to account for the feed and fertilizer transport distances as they significantly impact energy consumption and environmental effects. Modeling should consider the outsourced feed transportation (30km for silage corn) and the sale of organic fertilizer to local farmers (20km on average). Additionally, attention should be paid to the impact of long-distance transportation of organic fertilizers on N and P loss, which may increase the risk of water eutrophication. Data on mechanical operations for farm tillage not known to farmers can be referenced from related studies. The unit of measurement for data comparison and calculation should be the functional unit of 1t FPCM, corrected for protein and fat content.
Technical purpose of product or process The non-Integrated Planting and Breeding System (non-IPBS) for milk production is an agricultural process where dairy farming and maize silage planting are separate operations. In this system, feed is sourced externally with silage corn transported over average distances of 30km. The produced organic fertilizer is sold to fruit and vegetable farmers, requiring an average transportation of 20km. Contrastingly, in IPBS systems, feed is produced on the farm and organic fertilizers are primarily used on-site, with surplus sold externally. The different models affect the transportation distances and thus feeding costs, as well as the management and utilization routes for organic and liquid fertilizers, influencing environmental impacts through energy consumption and potential nutrient loss.
Class name : Hierarchy level
  • ILCD: Transport services / Road
General comment on data set In the transport of feed and organic fertilizer, the difference between the two models lies in the transport of silage corn and organic fertilizer. In non-IPBS, silage corn is all purchased, assuming that the average transportation distance is 30km, and organic fertilizer is all sold to fruit and vegetable farmers, with an average transportation distance of 20km. The transportation distance of the two is 1km. Different transportation distances will lead to different energy consumption, and thus different impacts on the environment. Relevant studies have shown that long distance transport of organic fertilizers will increase the loss of N and P in feces and increase the risk of eutrophication in water [11]. According to the investigation, the fertilizer value of liquid fertilizer is low, and vegetable and fruit farmers are reluctant to buy liquid fertilizer. The liquid fertilizer of the two modes is sprayed by the farm car to the surrounding farmland or farm farmland, and the transportation distance is 1km. The other feed transportation distance of the two modes is the same, and the concentrated feed, soybean meal, corn kernel and wheat bran are from the local market, and the transportation distance is the same About 50km. Cottonseed from Gansu Province, the transport distance of about 1830km. Leymus chinensis from Heilongjiang Province, the transport distance of about 1720km. Oats and alfalfa come from the United States and travel a distance of about 18,000 km
Copyright No
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
  • - 1000.0 * 1.0 kg (Mass)
Functional Unit The 1t FPCM corrected for protein and fat content was selected as the evaluation unit
Time representativeness
Time representativeness description From 2016, Shandong began to implement the silage corn planting subsidy policy, is one of the earliest provinces to implement the subsidy policy, the subsidy standard is 20~50 yuan /t. In 2019, Shandong Province silage corn planting area reached 14,100 hm2, accounting for 7.3% of the country.
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system In the study area, there are mainly two milk production modes :IPBS and non-IPBS. In non-IPBS, the farms only have feeding links and manure treatment links, all the feed is purchased, and the manure pile fertilizer is made into organic fertilizer and sold to fruit and vegetable farmers. In IPBS, the silage corn planting process is increased in the farm, organic fertilizer and liquid fertilizer are mainly applied to the farm field, and the remaining part is sold to fruit farmers and vegetable farmers, etc. The differences between the two models are as follows :1) the sources of silage corn in the farm are different, resulting in different feed transportation distances and feed costs; 2) The use of organic fertilizer and liquid fertilizer is different, and the transportation distance is different. A total of 109 dairy farms were investigated in this study, and 83 valid questionnaires were obtained after excluding non-conforming questionnaires, among which 38 were non-IPBS and 45 were IPBS.
Flow diagram(s) or picture(s)
  • BgnEb11yXoj4Cuxitqocanskn9e.png Image
LCI method and allocation
Type of data set Unit process, single operation
Deviation from LCI method principle / explanations None
Deviation from modelling constants / explanations None
Data sources, treatment and representativeness
Deviation from data cut-off and completeness principles / explanations None
Deviation from data selection and combination principles / explanations None
Data treatment and extrapolations principles The values in the table are the total input and output of each farm evenly distributed to FPCM per ton, and then the average value of each farm is taken. All input-output list data are calculated according to this method. The value in "()" is the average input per hectare, for the convenience of comparison with relevant studies; "a" Because the mechanical operation of farm tillage is mainly substitute tillage operation, the farmer is not clear about the diesel consumption in this link, and this data is based on relevant research [20]. "b" This value is the output of the process and is ultimately used entirely inside the system.
Deviation from data treatment and extrapolations principles / explanations None
Data source(s) used for this data set
Sampling procedure 研究地区主要有 2 种牛奶生产模式:IPBS 和 non-IPBS,具体见图 1.non-IPBS 中,养殖场只有饲养 环节和粪污处理环节,饲料全部来源于购买,粪便堆 肥制成有机肥后全销售给果农和菜农.IPBS 中,养殖 场增加青贮玉米种植环节,有机肥、液体肥主要施用 于场内农田,剩余部分销售给果农和菜农等.2 种模 式的区别:1)养殖场青贮玉米的来源不同,导致饲料 运输距离和饲料成本不同;2)有机肥、液体肥的利用 途径不同,运输距离不同.本研究共调研奶牛场 109 家,剔除不符合研究问卷后,得 83 份有效问卷,其中 non-IPBS 为 38 家,IPBS 为 45 家.
Completeness of product model No statement
Type of review
Dependent internal review
Reviewer name and institution
Data generator
Data set generator / modeller
Data entry by
Time stamp (last saved) 2024-03-19T15:52:00+08:00
Publication and ownership
UUID 5563c86a-3714-4fa8-8d50-4519e215dfe9
Date of last revision 2024-05-13T14:47:32.522980+08:00
Data set version 01.00.005
Permanent data set URI
Owner of data set
Copyright No
License type Free of charge for all users and uses


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 11.8 kg11.8 kg
General comment Concentrated feed (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 5.8 kg5.8 kg
General comment Corn kernels (non-IPBS mode)
Waste flow
Wastes / Other waste 2.7 kg2.7 kg
General comment Soybean meal (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 2.2 kg2.2 kg
General comment Wheat Bran (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 30.9 kg30.9 kg
General comment Purchased silage corn (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 2034.0 kg2034.0 kg
General comment Alfalfa (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 2232.0 kg2232.0 kg
General comment Oats (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Raw materials 524.6 kg524.6 kg
General comment Leymus chinensis (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Raw materials 71.4 kg71.4 kg
General comment Cottonseed (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Organic chemicals 15.0 kg15.0 kg
General comment Organic fertilizer for external sale (non-IPBS mode)
Product flow
Materials production / Agricultural production means 10.7 kg10.7 kg
General comment Liquid fertilizer (non-IPBS mode)


Type of flow Classification Flow Location Mean amount Resulting amount Minimum amount Maximum amount
Product flow
Materials production / Food and renewable raw materials 1000.0 kg1000.0 kg
General comment 作为参考定量,非实际输出