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过程 数据集: 铝电解电容器生产 ; 化成 ; 阳极化成箔卷 (0.12mm) ; 阳极铝箔卷 (0.12mm) (zh) en zh

位置 JS-CN
参考年 2020
铝电解电容器生产 ; 化成 ; 阳极化成箔卷 (0.12mm) ; 阳极铝箔卷 (0.12mm)
数据集使用建议 使用此LCA数据集时,必须遵守既定的系统边界和截止标准。具体而言,生命周期清单(LCI)数据覆盖率应至少占输入和输出总质量和能量的95%。用户应注意,电容器生产的库存数据特定于中国江苏省的一个工厂。在模拟电容器的使用阶段行为和生命周期尾期场景时,对于某些化学品的不可获取数据是在Gabi软件内使用现有材料根据化学方程估算的。中国电网能源概况的参考年份为2016年,铝锭生产的参考年份为2015年。任何电网组合或铝生产技术改进的更新都应考虑以确保数据的相关性。
产品或过程的技术目的 通过该工业过程生产的阳极氧化铝箔专门用于制造铝电解电容器(AECs)。这些电容器通常用于各种电子设备中,以储存电荷,供电暂时中断时使用,并过滤不需要的频率信号。箔材厚度为0.12毫米,适用于高压应用,例如420V 680uf电容器。数据集代表了工业规模的生产能力,标志着它在大规模电子制造中的重要性。
类名 : 层次结构级别
  • ILCD: Materials production / Metals and semimetals
关于数据集的一般性意见 阳极成型箔生产 ; 铝电解电容器 (AEC) 生产 ; 420V 680uf
  • MEqpbSngYoK3fvx38PMc1UOQnSd.png Image
数据集的类型 Unit process, single operation
数据选择和组合原则 电容器生产的库存数据来自 AEC 位于中国江苏省的生产工厂。每道工序的 LCI 数据收集的截止标准是至少覆盖输入流和输出流 95% 的质量和能量。阳极箔生产和阴极箔生产的库存数据是根据生产工艺和相应工艺参数分析获得的。上游数据(即铝锭、分选纸、运输、电力和水)来自 Gabi 软件(版本:。具体而言,《中国电力年鉴》中的中国电网概况以 2016 年为基准年。铝锭生产的基准年为 2015 年。无法获取的柠檬酸铵、五硼酸铵、NH4H2PO4 和 HBO3 数据是根据 Gabi 软件中现有材料(反应物)的化学方程式估算的。使用和报废阶段的库存数据是通过分析和计算获得的。
产品模型的完整性 No statement
Dependent internal review
时间戳(上次保存) 2024-05-01T17:10:27+08:00
UUID 8a66a5d5-090f-440c-a28e-6ff29eb64f9e
最后修订日期 2024-05-13T14:41:28.684628+08:00
数据集版本 01.00.005
永久数据集 URI https://lcadata.tiangong.world/showProcess.xhtml?uuid=8a66a5d5-090f-440c-a28e-6ff29eb64f9e&version=01.00.000&stock=TianGong
许可证类型 Free of charge for all users and uses


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 432.16560000000004 MJ432.16560000000004 MJ
一般性评论 Electricity [kWh] ; Production of anode etched foil
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 290.9772 MJ290.9772 MJ
一般性评论 Electricity [kWh] ; Hydration
Product flow Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 204985.2996 MJ204985.2996 MJ
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 518.0 kg518.0 kg
一般性评论 0.12mm Al blank coil [kg] ; Preparation of sulfuric acid (anode)
Product flow Materials production / Water 107187.002 kg107187.002 kg
Product flow
Materials production / Other mineralic materials 63287.322 kg63287.322 kg
一般性评论 Tap water [kg] ; Waste gas treatment (anode)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 470.708 kg470.708 kg
一般性评论 Sulfur acid(98%)[kg] ; Corrosion reaction (anode)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 23.693 kg23.693 kg
一般性评论 Nitric acid(98%)[kg] ; Corrosion reaction (anode)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 78.978 kg78.978 kg
一般性评论 Hydrochloric acid(31%)[kg] ; Corrosion reaction (anode)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 78.978 kg78.978 kg
一般性评论 NaOH solution (30%) [kg] ; Corrosion reaction (anode)
Product flow
Materials production / Water 967.606 kg967.606 kg
一般性评论 Deionized water [kg] ; Hydration
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 21.98 kg21.98 kg
一般性评论 HBO3 [kg] ; Formation process
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 42.333 m342.333 m3
一般性评论 Ammonium citrate [kg] ; Formation process
Product flow
Emissions / Inorganic covalent compounds 11.611 kg11.611 kg
一般性评论 Ammonium pentaborate [kg] ; Formation process
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 120.951 m3120.951 m3
一般性评论 H3PO4 [kg] ; Passivation
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 1.935 m31.935 m3
一般性评论 NH4H2PO4 [kg] ; Phosphating


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 449.811 kg449.811 kg
一般性评论 Al coil of 0.12 mm anode formed foil [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Product flow
Emissions / Inorganic covalent compounds 15.578 kg15.578 kg
一般性评论 AlPO4 [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Product flow
End-of-life treatment / Material recycling 12.865 m312.865 m3
一般性评论 Waste Al foil [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Waste flow
Wastes / Waste water 80795.118 m380795.118 m3
一般性评论 Wastewater [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 2.141 kg2.141 kg
一般性评论 COD [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.372 kg0.372 kg
一般性评论 NH3-N [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 0.036 kg0.036 kg
一般性评论 TP  [kg] ; Production of anode formed foil
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels 14.661 kg14.661 kg
一般性评论 Sludge [kg] ; Sewage treatment
Waste flow
Wastes / Waste water 7786.269 m37786.269 m3
一般性评论 Wastewater [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.388 kg0.388 kg
一般性评论 HCl gas [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.042 kg0.042 kg
一般性评论 H2SO4 gas [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.048 kg0.048 kg
一般性评论 NOx   [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.044 kg0.044 kg
一般性评论 NH3 gas [kg] ; Sewage treatment
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 0.947 kg0.947 kg
一般性评论 COD [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 0.62 kg0.62 kg
一般性评论 SS  [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to air / Emissions to air, unspecified 0.02 kg0.02 kg
一般性评论 NH3-N [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to fresh water 0.079 kg0.079 kg
一般性评论 TN  [kg] ; Production of anode etched foil