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过程 数据集: 液态铝电解电容器(LAEC)生产 ; 液态铝电解电容器(LAEC)>2cm ; 原生铝锭 (zh) en zh

位置 CN
参考年 2022
液态铝电解电容器(LAEC)生产 ; 液态铝电解电容器(LAEC)>2cm ; 原生铝锭
数据集使用建议 数据使用者应关注库存数据的粒度和适用性,这些数据反映了不同类型铝电解电容器(AEC)制造过程中的特定子阶段。此数据集包含了关于LAEC以及其他两种AEC变体(PAEC和PHAEC)的信息,这些变体在介电层修复过程和导电高分子的加入方面可能存在差异。用户在将数据应用于各自的生命周期评估时,必须考虑到这些差异。基线数据的参考年份为2016年,来源于Gabi数据库;数据使用者应注意,由于制造流程的发展或自那时起环境影响的变化,可能会出现潜在的差异。方法论细节,包括从实验室数据的比例放大和对PHAEC的调整,也应在解释和使用这些数据进行环境影响评估时考虑在内,以确保准确反映当前的技术实践。
产品或过程的技术目的 液态铝电解电容器(LAEC)是存储电荷和能量的电子元件。这里描述的专业制造过程生产的LAEC通常大于2厘米,采用原生铝锭。生产的LAEC广泛应用于各种电子系统,如电源、消费电子及工业机械,这些场合通常需要高电容和电压额定值。由于采用了高纯度铝和不同的阳极和阴极箔片制造工艺,这些电容器也用于需要提高循环稳定性的长寿命应用。
类名 : 层次结构级别
  • ILCD: Materials production / Metals and semimetals
关于数据集的一般性意见 The manufacturing stage of the AECs is divided into several sub-stages in this study based on the actual fabrication segmentation in the AEC industry. First, the high-purity aluminum ingots will be smelt, cast, rolled, and annealed into the aluminum foil with a thickness of about 10–100 μm. Then, anode foil and cathode foil for the AECs will be fabricated, respectively. The same manufacturing processes are applied toward anode foil in three types of AECs. The aluminum blank foil will be etched by the weak acids to increase the superficial area of the foil, and the electrochemical reaction can further form the dielectric (Al2O3). But cathode foil of three types of AECs varies in structure and manufacturing processes due to the differences in electrolytes. The cathode foil of LAECs is made by the etched process, while the cathode foil of PAEC is made by the carbon coating process after the etched process. In PHAECs, when liquid-state electrolyte and solid-state polymer are used simultaneously, the carbon-coated cathode aluminum foil of the PAECs is also replaced by the aluminum foil with TiO2 film to overcome the potential problems on capacitor cycling life. After obtaining the anode and cathode foil, the AECs can be manufactured, assembled, and packed. Besides, there are some differences in the AEC fabrication sub-stage. The specific processes of the three types of AECs are shown in Fig. 2. In detail, the differences in manufacturing processes among the three types of AECs are mainly due to the change of repair conditions of the capacitor dielectric (Al2O3 film) and the introduction of conductive polymer. On the one hand, PAECs and PHAECs cannot use the electrolyte to repair the dielectric layer in the aging process like LAECs, so an additional forming solution is required to perform forming process, which adds extra manufacturing steps. On the other hand, the conductive polymer needs to be effectively introduced into the middle of anode and cathode foils. The conductive polymer (PEDOT) in PAECs is formed by the polymerization reaction of EDOT and oxidizing agents in the capacitor manufacturing process, while the conductive polymer (PEDOT:PSS) in PHAEC is introduced into the capacitors by the dispersive solution. The collected inventory data of LAECs, PAECs, and PHAECs by the FU are summarized in Table 2. The details of the inventory data are available in Sheets 5–7 of Supporting Info B.
时间代表性描述 文献发表于2022-11-15,文献中 The reference year of the elementary data (alumminum ingots, separator paper, tansport, electricity, and water) is around 2016 and qcruired from the Gabi database (Version:
技术说明,包括后台系统 The manufacturing stage of the AECs is divided into several sub-stages in this study based on the actual fabrication segmentation in the AEC industry. First, the high-purity aluminum ingots will be smelt, cast, rolled, and annealed into the aluminum foil with a thickness of about 10–100 μm. Then, anode foil and cathode foil for the AECs will be fabricated, respectively. The same manufacturing processes are applied toward anode foil in three types of AECs. The aluminum blank foil will be etched by the weak acids to increase the superficial area of the foil, and the electrochemical reaction can further form the dielectric (Al2O3). But cathode foil of three types of AECs varies in structure and manufacturing processes due to the differences in electrolytes. The cathode foil of LAECs is made by the etched process, while the cathode foil of PAEC is made by the carbon coating process after the etched process. In PHAECs, when liquid-state electrolyte and solid-state polymer are used simultaneously, the carbon-coated cathode aluminum foil of the PAECs is also replaced by the aluminum foil with TiO2 film to overcome the potential problems on capacitor cycling life. After obtaining the anode and cathode foil, the AECs can be manufactured, assembled, and packed. Besides, there are some differences in the AEC fabrication sub-stage. The specific processes of the three types of AECs are shown in Fig. 2. In detail, the differences in manufacturing processes among the three types of AECs are mainly due to the change of repair conditions of the capacitor dielectric (Al2O3 film) and the introduction of conductive polymer. On the one hand, PAECs and PHAECs cannot use the electrolyte to repair the dielectric layer in the aging process like LAECs, so an additional forming solution is required to perform forming process, which adds extra manufacturing steps. On the other hand, the conductive polymer needs to be effectively introduced into the middle of anode and cathode foils. The conductive polymer (PEDOT) in PAECs is formed by the polymerization reaction of EDOT and oxidizing agents in the capacitor manufacturing process, while the conductive polymer (PEDOT:PSS) in PHAEC is introduced into the capacitors by the dispersive solution. The collected inventory data of LAECs, PAECs, and PHAECs by the FU are summarized in Table 2. The details of the inventory data are available in Sheets 5–7 of Supporting Info B.
  • QL21bJIXBohvCAxPv8tcCZndn9b.png Image
数据集的类型 Unit process, single operation
数据选择和组合原则 三种 AEC 的材料信息和性能参数均来自被调查的制造商。此外,通过对 AEC 行业的几家工厂进行实地调研,获得了铝坯箔制造(由铝锭制成)、阳极/阴极箔制造(由铝坯箔制成)和电容器制造的原始数据。由于技术保密原因,无法直接从供应商处获得 PHAEC 阴极箔制造的 LCI 数据。因此,考虑到两者的相似性,根据 PAECs 阴极箔的涂层工艺数据调整 PHAECs 阴极铝箔的制造 LCI。在运输阶段,主要原材料从材料产地到电容器制造商的数据以及电容器制成品从制造商到客户的数据均来自制造商的供应链系统。使用阶段的能耗是根据 AEC 的物理方程和电气参数计算得出的。为确保分析的完整性,在分析和计算的基础上获得报废阶段的数据。基本数据的参考年份约为 2016 年。基本数据(即铝锭、分离纸、运输、电力和水)来自 Gabi 数据库(版本:。此外,一些背景数据,包括 3,4-乙烯二氧噻吩(EDOT)、己二酸铵、柠檬酸铵等,在 Gabi 数据库中无法获得。它们是根据 Gabi 数据库中现有原材料在材料制备过程中发生的化学反应估算出来的。用于制造 PHAECs 的分散溶液(PEDOT:PSS,1%wt)的制备过程数据是根据实验室数据按比例计算的。三种 AEC 的详细 LCI 数据和物质流的单位影响见辅助信息 B 的第 5-7 张和第 2 张。
产品模型的完整性 No statement
Dependent internal review
时间戳(上次保存) 2024-04-30T20:23:58+08:00
UUID 52936017-c93d-4d26-8f25-1590c75c429f
最后修订日期 2024-05-13T14:41:10.950615+08:00
数据集版本 01.00.005
永久数据集 URI https://lcadata.tiangong.world/showProcess.xhtml?uuid=52936017-c93d-4d26-8f25-1590c75c429f&version=01.00.000&stock=TianGong
许可证类型 Free of charge for all users and uses


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Electricity 16836.48 MJ16836.48 MJ
一般性评论 Electricity grid mix (China)
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 334.9 kg334.9 kg
一般性评论 334.9=215.2(99.99% Al ingots)+119.7(99.9% Al ingots)
Product flow Materials production / Water 55386.8 kg55386.8 kg
Product flow Materials production / Other mineralic materials 31009.2 kg31009.2 kg
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 486.8 m3486.8 m3
一般性评论 Aluminum profile (China)
Product flow
Materials production / Paper and cardboards 81.3 kg81.3 kg
一般性评论 Paper 1 from Gabi database ({50e97735-1e19-4788-8525-e39de50cd804})
Product flow
Materials production / Other materials 131.8 kg131.8 kg
一般性评论 Rubber from Gabi database ({401c53f8-0ace-410b-9cc7-9a586f8ac2e6})
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 2.12 kg2.12 kg
一般性评论 substance flow is leads (Fe) but database from Gabi database is steel wire ({d3e4d4d7-66ee-4bea-b6eb-9704682a0b8a})
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 15.94 m315.94 m3
一般性评论 Tab (alluminium profile (China) )
Product flow
Materials production / Plastics 4.2513 kg4.2513 kg
一般性评论 Tape(PP film ,from Gabi {7d6d2565-aeb4-4f36-a049-f715a80fe954})
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 57.9819 m357.9819 m3
一般性评论 H3PO4
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 10.5368 kg10.5368 kg
一般性评论 HBO3
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 81.317 kg81.317 kg
一般性评论 HCl (31%)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 91.5496 kg91.5496 kg
一般性评论 NaOH (30%)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 484.6491 kg484.6491 kg
一般性评论 H2SO4 (98%)
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 24.3951 kg24.3951 kg
一般性评论 HNO3 (98%)
Product flow
Materials production / Organic chemicals 8.0717 kg8.0717 kg
一般性评论 Rolling oil
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 20.2938 m320.2938 m3
一般性评论 Ammonium citrate
Product flow
Emissions / Inorganic covalent compounds 5.5661 kg5.5661 kg
一般性评论 Ammonium pentaborate
Product flow
Materials production / Organic chemicals 221.2394 kg221.2394 kg
一般性评论 Electrolyte (liquid) 1
Product flow
Materials production / Inorganic chemicals 0.9276 m30.9276 m3
一般性评论 NH4H2PO4
Product flow
Materials production / Plastics 49.4529 m349.4529 m3
一般性评论 PET


流类型 分类 位置 平均量 计算量 最小量 最大量
Product flow
Emissions / Inorganic covalent compounds 7.4681 kg7.4681 kg
一般性评论 AlPO4 (by-product)4
Waste flow
Wastes / Production residues 62816.7194 Item(s)62816.7194 Item(s)
一般性评论 Capacitors (waste)
Waste flow
Wastes / Waste water 47338.0108 m347338.0108 m3
一般性评论 Waste water
Product flow
Energy carriers and technologies / Crude oil based fuels 7.0283 kg7.0283 kg
一般性评论 Sludge
Product flow
Materials production / Metals and semimetals 20.832 m320.832 m3
一般性评论 Al scraps
Elementary flow
Emissions / Emissions to water / Emissions to water, unspecified 2.0427 kg2.0427 kg
一般性评论 COD
Product flow
Systems / Electrics and electronics 1000000.0 Item(s)1000000.0 Item(s)
一般性评论 capacitors (product)