Key Data Set Information
Reference year
Glyphosate ; Methanol phosphorus trichloride paraformaldehyde triethylamine, glycine ; Glycine Process ; All sizes; NESPS2
Use advice for data set
| This dataset is derived from the Pollution Source Census Report and contains information on pollution emissions and related products. However, it does not include data on energy or chemical consumption, nor does it provide information on waste or co-product generation. When utilizing this dataset, please supplement the missing data based on actual conditions before use |
Technical purpose of product or process
| 该工业过程涉及草甘膦的合成,草甘膦是一种广谱、系统性除草剂和作物脱水剂。它通常用于农业中,以杀死竞争作物的年生阔叶杂草和草本植物。该过程描述了使用甲醇、三氯化磷、多聚甲醛、三乙胺和甘氨酸等试剂。这个全面的工业路径适用于所有规模的草甘膦生产。末端治理技术,包括形状厌氧反应器和A2/O工艺,然后通过化学沉淀,用于处理氮和有机物质污染物,实现了94%的污染物管理技术效率。 |
Class name
Hierarchy level
| the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisShaped anaerobic reactor + A2/O process + chemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management94 |
Owner of data set
Quantitative reference
Reference flow(s)
| |
Technological representativeness
Technology description including background system
| the Technical of end-of-pipe management technology for pollution Nitrogen, organic boundisShaped anaerobic reactor + A2/O process + chemical precipitation,Its Technical efficiency of end-of-pipe management94 |